Xojo hierarchical listbox
Xojo hierarchical listbox

xojo hierarchical listbox

I am certain that the xml data is being loaded correctly into the data structure, because I can place a breakpoint and check it and all the data looks fine. I cannot flatten the data structure to simplify the problem. Note that the data structure is hierarchical for a reason. The desired result is that the ListBox would have a TextBox for each element in the data structure. XmlReader r = new XmlNodeReader(doc.DocumentElement) XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DataSet))

xojo hierarchical listbox

MODP = FindResource("TheData") as ObjectDataProvider Public void LoadXml(EditorContext context, XmlValidator.Context validator, XmlDocument doc) Here is the code-behind where the xml data is being loaded: private DataSet m_dataSet

xojo hierarchical listbox

Here is the data structure: public class Element I read in the XML file, filling in the appropriate data structure, then set the ObjectInstance for the ObjectDataProvider to the data structure. The source is an ObjectDataProvider whose data is loaded in from an xml file. I'm trying to populate a ListBox with data from an object source using data binding in WPF.

Xojo hierarchical listbox